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Andrew Fewell

Calgary & Area

Andrew’s interest in real estate started in 2005 in the residential construction industry. From renovating properties and new home construction to sales, he enjoys seeing people find their dream homes to make lasting memories. As most people’s home is their most significant financial asset, he understands the importance of providing competent service to those walking through one of their life’s most important financial decisions.

Andrew has a passion for God and people to enter into a relationship with Him. He understands firsthand the transformative power of the gospel. He has spoken at various events and has led evangelistic initiatives across multiple cultures and contexts, such as University campuses, metropolitan areas, homeless districts, and tent revival meetings.

Andrew earned a Bachelor of Management in Business Administration at the University of Lethbridge and a Masters degree at the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College in Cochrane, AB. He resides in Calgary, AB, with his loving wife, Casey, and four boys, Vincent, Luke, Kohen, and Isaiah.

Andrew Fewell
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